Valuation - 2019
Virtuoso guitarist, composer and music producer

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Miguel Czachowski (POL), European Award for artistic and cultural activities - Golden Europea No. 40
Place and date handover: Žofín Palace, Prague (CZE), 26.10.2019
Donors: Petr Vašíček (CZE) and Pavel Roith (DEU)
The ceremony was attended: members of the EUA Presidium, participants of the EUU jubilee congress, members of the Vienna Imperial Kaiserwalzer Orchestra and other performers at the Time Portal Festival 2019 concert, invited foreign and domestic EUA supporters, concert guests
Excellent folklore ensemble from France

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Lous Gouyats de ľAdou (FRA), European Award for artistic and cultural activities - Art in Heart
Place and date handover: cultural amphitheater in Liptál (CZE), 25.08.2019
Donors: Štefan Pelikán (SVK), Kamil Papučík (SVK) and Ladislav Michálek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended: Members of the EUA Presidium, Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Mr. Radek Vondráček, President of the Zlín Region Mr. Jiří Čunek, Mayor of Liptál, Mr. Milan Daňa, approximately 2,000 attendees of the international gala concert at 50th Liptal Festival 2019
Talented girl from Poland

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Hania Galicka (POL, 14 years), European Award for talented Youth - PATTI No. 7
Place and date handover: river boat Calypso, Vltava river, Prague (CZE) 22.07.2019
Donors: President of EUA Petr Vašíček (CZE), company director CCCA Mrs. Wu Quang (CHN), journalist Mr. Zhang Hong (CHN)
The ceremony was attended by: all participants and young artists from III. Prague International Student Arts Festival 2019, members of the art committee and representatives of the Embassy of the PRC in Prague
Ten-year artist from China

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Chenchen Wang (CHN, 10 years), European Award for talented Youth - PATTI No. 6
Place and date handover: river boat Calypso, Vltava river, Prague (CZE) 22.07.2019
Donors: President of EUA Petr Vašíček (CZE), company director CCCA Mrs. Wu Quang (CHN), journalist Mr. Zhang Hong (CHN)
The ceremony was attended by: all participants and young artists from III. Prague International Student Arts Festival 2019, members of the art committee and representatives of the Embassy of the PRC in Prague
Slovak farmer - great supporter of arts

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Štefan Juhász (SVK), European Award for promoting arts and culture - Golden Europea No. 40
Place and date handover: Chateau Chanava(SVK), 08.05.2019
Donors: Štefan Pelikán (SVK)
The ceremony was attended: Chanava community leaders and invited guests