Valuation - 2019 / Excellent folklore ensemble from France
Lous Gouyats de ľAdou (FRA), European Award for artistic and cultural activities - Art in Heart
Place and date handover: cultural amphitheater in Liptál (CZE), 25.08.2019
Donors: Štefan Pelikán (SVK), Kamil Papučík (SVK) and Ladislav Michálek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended: Members of the EUA Presidium, Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Mr. Radek Vondráček, President of the Zlín Region Mr. Jiří Čunek, Mayor of Liptál, Mr. Milan Daňa, approximately 2,000 attendees of the international gala concert at 50th Liptal Festival 2019