Valuation - 2021
Australian artist loving Prague

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Lukos Hey (AUS), European Award for artistic and cultural astivities - Golden Europea No. 47
Place and date of handover: Gallery Knupp, Prague (CZE), 15.12.2021
Donors: Petr Vašíček (CZE), Jaroslava Koubková (CZE) Gennadiy Bazayev (UKR)
Present at the ceremony: invited guests
Gallery owner and promoter of European artists

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Aleš Knupp (CZE), European Award for promoting arts and culture - Golden Europea No. 48
Place and date handover: Gallery Knupp, Prague (CZE), 15. 12. 2021
Donors: Petr Vašíček (CZE), Jaroslava Koubková (CZE), Gennadiy Bazayev (UKR)
The ceremony was attended: invited guests