Valuation - 2017
Professor of architecture, painter and writer

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Janka Krivošová (SVK), European Award for artistic and cultural activity - Golden Europea No. 35
Place and date handover: Zichy Palace in Bratislava(SVK), 09.11.2017
Donors: Štefan Pelikán (SVK), Bernard Louis Martin (CHE), Petr Vašíček (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: members of the Presidium of the European Union of Arts, members of the association Milan Rúfus, members of the association Milan Rastislav Štefánik, rectors and deans of Slovak universities from Banská Bystrica and Bratislava, bishop of the Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in Slovakia, significant Slovak artists and writers
Geologist, linguist and publicist from Switzerland

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Manuel Riond (CHE), European Award for writers and publicists Gold medal of Leo Tolstoy No. 21
Place and date handover: Congress Center in Yverdon-les-Bains (CHE) 24.09.2017
Donors: Bernard Louis Martin (CHE) and Petr Vasicek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: the Presidium and about 600 members of the International Linguistic and Ethnic Society "Féte romande et internationale des patoisants" from Switzerland, France and Italy, Mayor of the City of Yverdon-les-Bains, Members of the Federal Assembly of Switzerland, representatives of universities and scientific linguistic associations, representatives of the European Union of Arts from Prague
Mayor of Habére-Poche from the Savoie Alps

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Marc Bron (FRA), European Award for writers and publicists Gold medal of Leo Tolstoy No. 19
Place and date handover: Congress Center in Yverdon-les-Bains (CHE) 24.09.2017
Donors: Bernard Louis Martin (CHE) and Petr Vasicek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: the Presidium and about 600 members of the International Linguistic and Ethnic Society "Féte romande et internationale des patoisants" from Switzerland, France and Italy, Mayor of the City of Yverdon-les-Bains, Members of the Federal Assembly of Switzerland, representatives of universities and scientific linguistic associations, representatives of the European Union of Arts from Prague
Doctor of Medicine and Linguist from Cortaillod

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Joël Rilliot (CHE), European Award for writers and publicists Gold medal of Leo Tolstoy No. 22
Place and date handover: Congress Center in Yverdon-les-Bains (CHE) 24.09.2017
Donors: Bernard Louis Martin (CHE) and Petr Vasicek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: the Presidium and about 600 members of the International Linguistic and Ethnic Society "Féte romande et internationale des patoisants" from Switzerland, France and Italy, Mayor of the City of Yverdon-les-Bains, Members of the Federal Assembly of Switzerland, representatives of universities and scientific linguistic associations, representatives of the European Union of Arts from Prague
Military artistic ensemble of the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic

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VUS Ondráš (CZE), European Award for artistic and cultural activity - Golden Europea No. 34
Place and date handover: cultural house of Liptál (CZE) 23.09.2017
Donors: Ladislav Michálek, Zdeněk Pšenica a Milan Daňa (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: guests and audience of the VUS Ondráš concert and visitors of the Gastro folklore festival Liptál 2017 (CZE)
A business company from Poznan, Poland

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UDH - United Distribution Holding Sp. Poznań (POL), European Award for promoting arts and culture - European Platter
Place and date handover: cultural hall in town Bojanowo (POL) 23. 05. 2017
Donors: Petr Vašíček, president of EUA (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: the audience at the concert Academic Symphony Orchestra Lwiw and invited guests
The Gospel Family from Slovakia

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The Gospel Family (SVK), European Award for artistic and cultural activity - Golden Europea No. 33
Place and date handover: Grand cinema hall Panorex in New Dubnica (SVK) 08.01.2017
Donors: Anton Barcík (SVK), Štefan Pelikán (SVK), Petr Vašíček (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: the audience at the concert The Gospel Family (SVK) and invited guests