Valuation - 2016
A guilty conscience of Western Europe and America - painter Julien Sinzogan

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Julien Sinzogan (BEN), European Award for artistic and cultural activities - Golden Europea
Place and date handover: Rudolfinum in Prague (CZE) 11. 11. 2016
Donors: First Vice President of EUA Gennadiy Bazayev and President of EUA Petr Vasicek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: Presidium of EUA, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Benin, members of "Alliance-Benin en République Tchéque - A.B.E.T." and invited guests
Chinese Vice President of IOV World

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Emma Chen Ping Hoefler (CHN), European Award for promoting arts and culture - Golden Europea No. 31
Place and date handover: Martinicky Palace in Prague (CZE) 23. 06. 2016
Donors: President of EUA Petr Vasicek (CZE) and Vice President of EUA Ladislav Michalek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: Governor of the Chinese province of Guizhou with governmental and cultural delegations of China, Emeritus President of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Jan Kavan, Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Vojtech Filip, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture, chairman of the Folklore Association of the Czech Republic Zdenek Psenica and invited guests
The first holder of the European prices PATTI

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Patricie Kozlova (CZE, 17 years), European Award for talented Youth PATTI - No. 1
Place and date handover: church St. Stephen in Kourim (SVK) 17. 06. 2016
Donors: President of EUA Petr Vasicek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: Mayor of Kourim Mgr. Zuzana Cihakova (CZE), President of European Union of Arts PhDr. Petr Vasicek (CZE), the supporters of private clinics CARE MEDICO Prague and large audience XVI. Kourim Music Festival 2016
A talented young cello player

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Dominik Velek (CZE, 15 years), European Award for talented Youth PATTI - No. 2
Place and date handover: church St. Stephen in Kourim (SVK) 17. 06. 2016
Donors: President of EUA Petr Vasicek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: Mayor of Kourim Mgr. Zuzana Cihakova (CZE), President of European Union of Arts PhDr. Petr Vasicek (CZE), the supporters of private clinics CARE MEDICO Prague and large audience XVI. Kourim Music Festival 2016
Evangelical parson from Switzerland

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Bernard Louis Martin (CHE), European Award for writers and publicists - Gold medal of Leo Tolstoy
Place and date handover: Evangelical temple of the Upper congregation of the Evangelical Church in Vsetin (CZE) 08.05.2016
Donors: Vice President of EUA Ladislav Michalek (CZE) and president of EUA Petr Vasicek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: Curator of the Upper congregation of the Evangelical Church in Vsetin Mr. Dan Fojtu, elders Protestant congregation and Sunday meetings in the Evangelical Church in Vsetín
Savior of Christian refugees from Iraq

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Salman Hasan (IRQ), European Award for promoting arts and culture - Golden Europea No. 30
Place and date handover: church St. Peter and Paul in Pruske (SVK) 20. 03. 2016
Donors: Vice President of EUA Stephan Pelikan, Ing. Anton Barcik and President of EUA Petr Vasicek (CZE)
The ceremony was attended by: Mayor of Pruske MUDr. Viliam Cibik PhD. (SVK), company management Povazske cementarny Ladce Inc. (SVK), choir The Gospel Family from Nova Dubnica (SVK) and the concert audience